Wednesday 20 February 2008

Cloverfield Film Review

If only the makers of Godzilla had thought of this first – they must be kicking themselves right now…

Cloverfield has put the essence back in to a mon-tastic horror film, with gripping scenes at almost every single moment. Taken on a completely new edge of film production – sensational raw footage of carnage, recorded using a single home video camera. Once again, another film that has catapulted a cast of unknown actors in to the swelling world that is the film industry.

It is evident that Lost producer, J.J.Abrams, hasn’t lost his touch with this magnified film, which sees a group of characters who find themselves stuck in the middle of a war between a rat-like/gremlin looking monster and the US army – we are completely engaged in the fact that their positions are continuously threatened.

You are taken in by not only the visual effects and the fantastic film-making strategies and techniques, but the real felt emotions between the close-knit friends, particularly between main characters Beth (Odette Yustman) and Rob (played by Michael Stahl-David – like butter wouldn’t melt…).

I’m surprised the characters didn’t need some sort of a tranquilizer after the face to face encounters with flesh-eating parasites in the train tunnels, deafening sounds of firearms being blasted at the monster and then risking a fatal fall jumping building to building from the 49th floor.

Although the party scene at the beginning dragged on a bit, from the moment the chaos literally ripped through Manhattan, the only time I took my eyes off the big screen was when I needed a momentary break from the continuous shaking of the camera.

Purposely mimicking the 9/11 fiasco, this film can either be insulting or taken with a pinch of salt: it is probably left up to a matter of taste.

Only the relevant action is seen and that’s what we want in an 84 minute film.

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